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Church Planting & Multiplication 

Praise Chapel is a Church Multiplication Movement 


Praise Chapel began in 1976 in a small church in Maywood, California. From that church couples began to be sent-out to pioneer new churches. 


This picture shows the progress of growing from one church to many churches. 


Bible Conferences were held every 6 months to service the new church planters. 


As church planting increased, the conferences moved from every six months to every year then in 2000 to every two years. 


We began planting churches internationally. 


By 1999 the vision developed into multiplying Fellowships of churches. Churches that planted churches would develop into fellowships of their own. 


From 2010 - 2020 the vision is to Multipliy Churches and Fellowships.


By the beginning of 2015 Praise Chapel Family of Fellowships includes 17 Fellowships in the United States and in other 8 nations. We have churches in many more nations that have not yet grown into Fellowships of churches.


Cycle of Multiplication 


Praise Chapel has developed networks of Fellowships which are indegenous, self supporting, disciple and train their workers and send out and plant churches all in partnership with each other. 


2015 over 260 Churches have been planted in the United Stats and more than 2000 internationally throughout our Churches and Fellowships. 

People are reached through evangelism.

Taught and trained through discipleship in the local church.  Released into their ministry calling. 


Many are then sent-out to plant churches. 

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